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Aviroute : rowingbike, outdoor rowing machine   Aviroute : rowbike, road rowing machine
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aviroute rowing bike : perfect rowing machine Learning

The learning of the Aviroute riding requires few minutes if you already know how to ride a regular bike.
Two different techniques are used :
  - "Do it yourself" : The rider tries himself to find how to ride.
  - "Instructor required" : An "instructor" pushes and keeps the student on balance on the Aviroute and let the student all alone when he does'nt need help anymore.
Aviroute 99-26 A
Sample 48 people
Average time needed 3 min 50
Maximum time needed 10 min 15
Number of failure(s) 3
Aviroute 2K-20 A
Sample 107 people
Average time needed 2 min 15
Maximum time needed 6 min 50
Number of failure(s) 0

The best environnement to learn to ride an Aviroute is a wide place without obstacles as a parking or a downhill place : so the student does'nt have to row and can concentrate on the steering.

On the two tables you can see statistics of Aviroute learning duration : The figures were'nt very good for the 99-26 A because of its high and heavy frame. Figures are much better with th 2K-20 A : Its light and compact frame is more comforting.

learning all alone to ride an aviroute rowbike "Do it yourself" :
With on foot on the ground, try to ride as with a push sccoter. After some seconds you will feel the steering technique. When your foot is only used for propulsion and not for balance anymore, try to row only with your arms and then put your foot on the bike. Then you're about to be considered as being an Aviroute rider : try to row with legs, back and arms, you will ride much faster and feel the power of the Aviroute.
learning to ride an aviroute rowingbike with an instructor "Instructor Required" :
Ask someone to push the Aviroute and keep the balance of the bike and you. With both feet on the bike try to understand the steering of the Aviroute. When you think you know how to steer then try to row : the pusher will feel you don't need him anymore and he will let you go ! That's all.
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